Hi everyone! To celebrate the most motivational time of the year, I wanted to send everyone a free list of journal prompts to reflect on 2021 and set our intentions for 2022. There are 30 questions to reflect on 2021, 20 questions to plan for 2022, and 10 questions to think about life overall. (For those of you who are a paid subscriber, some of these questions may seem a bit familiar from our weekly journal prompts! For any free subscribers who want to join us, remember that today is the last day of my holiday sale! :) Please share your answers to the first two questions in the comments! I would love to hear a bit about how 2021 went for you! I hope you enjoy these prompts and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here’s to a great 2022!
-Taylor Jeane
P.S. As I’m currently working on revising my business strategy for the new year, feel free to share any suggestions you may have for Taylor Jeane Quotes in 2022! Paid subscribers, is there anything you want to see more of? Less of? Everyone, what quotes do you like best? Is there anything I could do to get you all more involved? Any overall feedback? You can comment directly on this post or use the questions section on my website! Thank you!
30 Questions to Reflect on 2021
What goal are you most proud of yourself for achieving this year?
What was your favorite memory from this year?
What were your 3 biggest accomplishments this year?
Who made the biggest difference in your life this year and why?
How has your daily routine changed from last year?
What was the biggest lesson you learned this year?
What was the best month this year and why?
What was the worst month this year and why?
What was your biggest downfall this year?
What was the best and worst purchase you made this year?
What were your best and worst habits this year?
What was the most unexpected thing that happened this year?
What New Year’s Resolution did you NOT accomplish this year?
What was something you let go of this year?
What was something you brought into your life this year?
What is something that this year has made you more thankful for?
What was your favorite place you went this year?
What new hobbies did you pick up this year?
What is something you did to step outside of your comfort zone this year?
How did you document your personal growth this year?
Did you make and follow through with some sort of plan this year?
What excuses did you make this year?
How did you reward yourself this year?
How did you forgive yourself this year?
Do you feel that you were intentional with your days this year?
What were you most doubtful about this year?
Did you revise any goals this year, and if so, why and how?
What motivated you this year?
Did you tend to feel more overwhelmed or underwhelmed this year?
Did you get closer to your dream life this year?
20 Questions to Plan for 2022
I recommend doing the 10 questions first!
What can you do to prevent your biggest downfall of last year from happening this year?
What is a habit you want to implement this year?
What is a habit you want to break this year?
Where do you want to travel to this year? (This doesn’t have to be a big vacation, even a quick day trip to a neighboring town counts, and travel expands your mind so much!)
What is something new you would like to try this year?
What is something you will do to challenge yourself this year?
How will you track your goals and personal growth this year?
What are three things you will do to be intentional with your time this year?
How will you counteract excuses that you have this year?
What is your plan for getting back on track with your goals if you fall off?
What is your theme for this year? (Ex: unstoppable, joy, perseverance, etc.)
Where do you picture yourself at the end of this year?
What will you do to take better care of yourself this year?
Who do you want to spend more time with this year?
What do you want to let go of this year?
What is something you can do to better prioritize your health this year?
What is something you will do this year to be more peaceful?
What is something you will do this year to be more productive?
What do you want to change most about you and/or your life this year?
What goal do you need to focus on first this year?
10 Big Picture Questions About Life
What does happiness mean to you?
What change to you want to see in the world?
Where do you want to be in your career 10 years from now?
What are three things that would make your life more purposeful?
In the most perfect world you can imagine with no rules about what you can and can’t do, what would your ideal day look like? (Be creative here - what would you do if you didn’t go to school/work? What would you do in your free time? Where would you live? What time would you wake up and go to bed at? What would you do to be more creative? … )
What are five things that make you feel fulfilled?
What does having good mental health look like to you?
What, why, how, when, and to whom to you commonly compare yourself to?
Who is someone you look up to and why?
In one sentence, what is your philosophy of life?
wow! these are great. i could think about these all year. As for your business, I'll write you an email.....but you are doing great in my opinion!